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Women's History Month - Women Empowering Women

Updated: Mar 30

Women Empowering Women! What an Awesome way to culminate a month long celebrating Women's History Month. From Kicking off the month attending My Sister's Closet and @Microsoft's Women Empowerment and Professional Development Day, to Broken Chains Professional Development and skill building workshops to closing out the month with Calvary Women's Services "Motivational Boost, Lets Talk Healing".

Thank you Ms.Cynthia M Miller , Founder of TAMAR Women's Domestic Violence Healing, From Victim to Victor and Mrs. Wendy Johnson, Author, Motivational Speaker and The Positivity Professor, "Transformation through Positive Thinking". What Powerful messages, recognizing the Power Within!

We further recognize the powerful women that blazed the trail who's shoulders we stand, Thank You!

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