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Caleb Bell
Caleb Bell

Makerere University Graduation List 2016 Pdf Download ((BETTER))

it gives me great joy to congratulate you upon your graduationtoday. you must now go out today into a bigger world that is filledwith numerous trials as well as opportunities for great triumph.your graduation means that you have used your time at makerereuniversity successfully to build a foundation on which much of yourfuture success will depend. but a foundation is not the wholebuilding. your labor and creative imagination must continue tocomplete what you have been preparing for all the years that youhave spent here.

makerere university graduation list 2016 pdf download

This graduation ceremony is indeed special as the firstgraduation to be presided over by our new chancellor, Prof. ezrasuruma. on behalf of the management of makerere university and onmy own behalf, i congratulate him upon his appointment and wish hima successful term in office. in the same spirit, i congratulateProf. mondo kagonyera upon the successful completion of his twoterms as the second non-head of state chancellor of makerereuniversity. We thank him for his tenure of service to makerereuniversity and we wish him well in his next assignments.

The 66th graduation also comes on the heels of the excellentnews of makerere universitys improved ranking to third position onthe continent according to a January 2016 report by Times highereducation. i take this opportunity to commend the members of staffand students whose tireless efforts have seen us reach thisposition. our dream to take the number one position on thecontinent is certainly fast approaching.

i am also grateful for the many collaborations that makerereuniversity has entered into or renewed in 2015 with partners in theusa (mastercard Foundation), sweden (sida), germany, Turkey,nigeria and Japan, among others. many of these are in relation tosupporting more research and exchange programmes for staff andstudents. i am glad to share that the african development bankfunding has been released and construction of more lecturefacilities is currently ongoing. This funding will also supportdistance and electronic learning and staff development, amongothers.

you have heard and will continue to hear of the scarce jobmarket. as you leave makerere university, you add onto thisscarcity. Whereas physical jobs are scarce, i encourage you toembrace online job opportunities through the business Processoutsourcing models. you should have your profiles online for easeof reach by potential employers, but also use the acquired skillsfor humble start-ups of your own.

you join a coveted team of makerere university alumni, whocontinue to make us proud wherever they are. i urge you to emulatethem and make your mark in your journey after here. i furtherencourage you to always remember your alma mater and support it inits various endeavours including regaining the top spot as thenumber one university on the continent. needless to say, thestrength of regional and international collaborations that ourcountry is part of, stand firm and will continue to do so throughthe support you will render. The future of this nation awaits yourdedicated support and professional service. makerere university ison record for availing the much needed human resource for thecountry, region and beyond. This is not about to stop.

biology and ecology of five selected indigenous species; (ii)impact of the traditional and modern fishing gears and practices onthe fishery; and (iii) the role of ethno-cosmology and traditionalbelief systems in fisheries conservation. results revealed thatlocal fishers were more knowledgeable on the extrinsic thanintrinsic aspects of the fish species. Further, traditional fishinggears and practices were reported more environmental-sensitive,hence promoting sustainable fishing and fisheries conservation. Thestudy recommended the creation of species-specific local-levelconservations schemes under a co-managerial arrangement betweenlocal fishers, fisheries managers and scientists. The schemes wereconsidered instrumental in the restoration of indigenous fishspecies. supervisors: dr Pantaleo mukasa kasoma, Prof. Jacobsgodfrey agea and dr Peter akoll. special thanks to the commonwealthscholarship and Fellowship commission for the partial funding undera split-site doctoral programme between makerere university and theuniversity of Wales institute, cardiff, uk.

and empirically tested. The study also revealed that ugandasimage as a tourism destination is negative at first awareness withwidespread negative symbolism among social groups at tourist sourcemarkets. This knowledge will aid in the design of management andmarketing strategies for countries that possess difficult heritage.This study was supervised by Professor Tom baum, university ofstrathclyde, glasgow, united kingdom and Professor J. b. nyakaana,makerere university, kampala, uganda. The study was supported bythe swedish international development agency under themakerere-sida bilateral research programme.

Makerere University Business School will hold its 12th graduation on Friday May 26, 2017, at the Nakawa Campus. The ceremony will be held for students who successfully completed their studies during the 2015/ 2016 Academic year on Post graduate Diploma, Diploma and certificate programmes both at MUBS, up-country campuses, Luzira inmates and its affiliated Institutions.

You may now download the CEDAT January 2012 Graduation list below: Attachments Attachment Name Attachment Type Bachelor of Architecture DOC PDF Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Arts DOC PDF Diploma in Civil Engineering Surveying DOC PDF Bachelor of Science in

Candidates can follow the below procedures to check the graduation lists at Team University Uganda. After checking graduation lists, candidates can then go ahead to download the Graduation lists from Team University Uganda portal. Team University Uganda Graduation Date.


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