Golden Treasure: The Great Green Download For Pc [^HOT^ Crack]
Golden Treasure: The Great Green Download For Pc [crack] >>>
The Bitmap Brothers certainly knew how to make a cracking game, and Chaos Engine was one such example. With their usual flair for top-down mayhem, The Bitmap Brothers gave us this wonderful steampunk themed game, filled with tons of enemies, two-player action, loads of power-ups, and great sound effects with a cool sound track playing continuously in the background.
This graphical overhaul is a 9.3GB beast of a download that gives you better, crisper, more detailed models and textures. Rocks, trees, crates, roofs, walls, waterfalls, furs, and floors have all been overhauled with increased resolutions and brightness. The video above gives some great transition examples so you can see the difference yourself. 153554b96e